quarta-feira, dezembro 30, 2015

So 2015 was a year in which little happened. It was a year in which I came back to Angola after so many years spent in Namibia. Studying, working, travelling, developing my personality and getting prepared for my adulthood; after all, I went there with 20 years, and that nowadays is still teenage to me... And to many other people. It was a year that saw the birth of my first child, my kitten, my precious, my daughter. It was a year that saw me move around so much, submitting close to 300 job applications and going to about 50 interviews. All of them unsuccessful. "The recession", they say. And above all, perhaps the most negative thing about it, it has been a year where I did not experience any kind of personal growth. That is simply because Angola isn't a right place for you to grow!

sábado, novembro 21, 2015

Ha tantos anos que não venho ver este blogue... E que surpresa, ele ainda existe! Então vou experimentar partilhar o meu novo video-blogue chamado "Cenas do dia-a-dia com Ed Nicolai" aqui nessa pagina, e ver o que acontece. Caso haja aderencia, volto permanentemente! Ver o video aqui:

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